39th SQ Deployment

All of the ground equipment needed to operate with the renaissance system on the aircraft was designed to be transportable. Often, we packed up and left our home air base and occasionally left the country entirely. There were times when my employer had no idea where I was. It was an interesting assignment!
Arrival at a temporary operating location… Unlike the United States, in the UK military assets like this airborne surveillance system could be used for domestic operations such as counterintelligence – that was in 2000.
This is part of the equipment that tracked the aircraft during a mission and received the high-bandwidth data from the sensor.
Here a strongback is being attached to one of our shelters so it can be lifted from a flatbed and placed in position on the ground.
Air conditioning ducting being installed…
Electrical power and communications cables are next…
Once on the ground these shelters can be moved on retractable wheels.
Air conditioning units, generator units, and a second type of shelter made up the remainder of the ground station…