2 Miniature 2 GHz Video Transmitter

Fabricating this miniature transmitter was a huge leap into the unknown for me. I am not a circuit designer, at the time I had and had almost no experience designing printed circuit boards or working with surface-mounted devices. But this is the way I learn. I also milled the aluminum enclosure. The transmitter measured about two inches square, and one inch high.
This is a block diagram of the transmitter. It consisted of a crystal-controlled frequency synthesizer which steered a 2 GHz voltage controlled oscillator. A directional coupler fed a sample of the output signal back to the synthesizer where it was compared with the internal reference. It was the comparator that steered the VCO.
This is the schematic for the phase-locked loop which drove a voltage-controlled oscillator. Output power was 200 Milliwatts.
This is my switching power supply schematic. The input was anything from 10.0 to 15.0 volts. It produced two outputs: +5.0 V at 50mA and +15.0 V at 300 mA. It took up less than one square inch on my circuit board.